Saturday, November 26, 2016

Avoiding "Ginchy-Beahvior" In the Classroom

We all know that the next few weeks are a challenge in any classroom! Students become excited, nervous, or anxious for the holiday's - and that sometimes translates into "grinchy-behavior." Here is a holiday themed behavior management tool that I use each year to help eliminate this problem from my classroom.

To implement this tool in your classroom, you will need to print out the giant poster of the Grinch (11x17 or bigger) and cut out some hearts using red construction paper. Click on the images below to download both resources.


After Thanksgiving break, I read the story How the Grinch Stole Christmas to my class. I use the following questions as I read it aloud:
  • Why do you think the Grinch dislikes Christmas so much?
  • What things does the Grinch hate most about Christmas? 
  • Why do you believe the Whos still continued with their Christmas celebration, even after the Grinch had stolen their presents and food?
  • Why do you think the Grinch changed his mind and brought the food and toys back to Who-ville?
  • Who helped the Grinch change his mind about Christmas? 
  • What message is the author trying to teach in this story?
  • Do you think the Grinch is a villain or a hero? 
After reading I show my students a giant poster of the Grinch and the heart cut-outs. I tell them that the next few weeks can be pretty stressful because they are filled with lots of fun and excitement. I tell them how the Grinch in the story's heart was 3 sizes too small, so over the next 3 weeks we are going to focus on doing things in our room that would help the Grinch GROW his heart to a normal size. I have my students take a moment to brainstorm some behaviors that might help to grow the Grinch's heart.

I hand out hearts to students who are showing positive behaviors in the classroom. Those students get to put their names on the red hearts, and then tape them onto the poster of the Grinch. By the time Christmas break arrives, our Grinch is covered with hearts!

What management tools do you use in your room during the weeks leading up to Christmas break?

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